KieranTimberlake boosts office composting and recycling program

Customer: KieranTimberlake, a full-service architecture firm with an international portfolio
Location: HQ office with 100+ employees, Philadelphia PA
Waste setup: 3-stream (compost, recycling, trash) stations in kitchen/common spaces
Results: Compost contamination reduced by 50%, increased material diversion

KieranTimberlake manages one of the few office composting programs in the region. Users were enthusiastic about the system but were confused by the multiple disposal options, and the system struggled to keep compost and recycling streams clean.


“People want to do the right thing, but they’re really busy architects, so we need to make it as convenient as possible.”

- Blake Lehmann, KieranTimberlake Building Manager


The upgraded systems use multiple user messaging prompts: bin/lid color, Vue lids, labels, and example materials that focus on food and beverage packaging and waste (like coffee grounds, filters and cups) common in the office environment.

Kieran Timberlake after

“We believe in modeling best sustainable practices for both our own architects and frequent visitors to incorporate into their new designs.”

Waste separation is visibly improved and contamination, especially in the compost stream, is now well within acceptable levels for the vendor.

“In this world, it’s all about putting out fires, so no complaints means the Dyvert system just works well.”

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